Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Top Biggest Secrets of Making Money - 2020

Who don’t need money if life? The answer is: everyone needs money in life to meet the basic needs and to enjoy. What is money? Money is the hardest of all actions. Money is the thing for which our production and services proceeds. People sometimes say that, Money can’t bring happiness. But the truth is one can’t afford materialistic happiness without having enough money.


The basic secrets for making money are work, work and work. But the conditions behind these secrets are work excessively but competitively. Don’t waste time in the name of work doing unnecessary thing. So first of all, point out the necessitate and competitive work skills. Only for earning money people work hours after hours. Working more is always vital to all those who are on the path to pursuing their goals and dream. Most importantly think it, believe it, do it and achieve it. Now the secrets for making money are your mind, your eagerness for work and your ability to cope up with.


Now a days, thousands of path open in front of you so that you can earn. A big opportunity now days are Internet connection and computer at home. Using your own computer you can earn a lot sitting on home. Examples of few money making opportunity’s are:

i)                    Blogging

ii)                  Freelancing

iii)                Outsourcing

iv)                Creating eBooks

v)                  Designing logo and websites etc.

Your opportunities for making money through online are endless. The only thing you have to do is to grab them. Always try to give your best and promote yourself as a brand. Always invest in yourself. It would be the best investment you could make ever. Investing on yourself will help you to build strong and develops you. On the only thing you should invest without thinking twice are your mind, health, knowledge and experience.


The secret to life is that you have all the power. If you can change your mind you can change your life. You don’t need any amount of money, connections or education. You just need to be in control of your mind. All you are really doing is programming your mind. This is the secret so many people overlook in life. The key to success is overcoming yourself limiting beliefs and aligning yourself with the energy you want in life. You can be, do and have anything.

There are some secrets taught in think and grow rich. It is simple. Think about what you want, set goals, review your progress and repeat. To make money do this and make way more than you ever have. Don’t wait for tomorrow, do this today and you will get the benefit tomorrow. Most importantly, do what you love, build your worth and the money you seek shall follow.


You will be on your prosperity and success for sure. All you need is to have abundance mindset also just know money circulates. Seeking the way for making money is not bad and it is important in life. You can have what you want by the grace of almighty. You just have to make up your mind. Train your brain to make money. Dream big and do the action.


Once you started making money, than value each penny you earned. Think your money is your employee who will earn more and more for you. Don’t waste money. Invest money in a proper and productive way. Don’t recklessly started to invest money here and there with a view to grow vast amount of money all at a once. Always make intense research on the sector you are investing. Will it be able to borrow the same amount or more in future? Or will it become a loss project for you? Make intense research before investing in any ground.


In our society having enough money is important to maintain a status. Because in our society success is measured by money. If you have enough money to maintain your standard living you are supposed to be successful in life. So, sometimes we want to earn money to be successful in other eye. This is the biggest mistake we do in our life. We want money success and take risk randomly, which is the greatest incorrect decision in our life. The secret of making money is not to focus on others view rather focuses on your aim in life. It will help you to be strong in life and to achieve what you want, whether its money or anything else.


Happiness and success are two different dimensions. To be happy in life, success is not important. But if you get success in life, happiness will eventually come to you. So, focus on being happy, not being successful. The biggest secret of making money is stopping focusing on money. Because, if you focus on money so badly, it will ultimately lead you to the ultimate depression and frustration in life. So, simply stop focusing on how much money you are supposed to earn in a month. Just keep on doing the thing which will lead you to earn money. If you want success and happiness in life, shift the perspective of focusing on money. Just do the right thing; money will come to you in your way.


If you want to make money through giving services to the people, think about how better you could give them the service rather than how much you can charge form them. This philosophy is the secrets of making money. When you have the services you could earn a lot of money. But if you give low quality service while focusing on money you will eventually lose your customer. And this would be the biggest loss. So always focus on giving the best services to your customer, money will be created automatically. Allays try to serve the people through giving your best, believe me money will follow you unconditionally.


Another secret of making money is to cultivate dignity among your employees and customers and fellows. If you pay higher facility, salary, bonus and other benefits to your employee, they will give their best to uphold your company’s position. This will ultimately lead you to the position you want.


So the biggest secret of making money is not to focus on money and have patience over whatever you're doing to make money.


Monday, July 13, 2020

Khulna Travel Guide: 7 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Khulna City – 2020

The third largest division in Bangladesh is Khulna division. Khulna is the center of Khulna division. According to the city size position Khulna is the 10th largest city in Bangladesh. The district is reachable in every way such as bus, rail or air. There are numbers of tourist attraction in Khulna. One of the most potential and emerging district in southern division is Khulna district.  Top 7 best tourist places to visit in Khulna city in 2020 are presented below.


1. Sundarban – The World’s Largest Mangrove Forest

The top most places must to list first in selecting tourist spot in Khulna is Sundarban. Sundarban is the largest mangrove forest in the world. Sundarban situated in 5 districts (Khulna, Satkhira, Bagerhat, Patuakhali and Barguna). The major part of Sundarban is in Khulna district. Khulna is famous for this mangrove forest. All on a sudden everybody recognize Khulna only by saying about Sundarban. The literal meaning of Sundarban is “beautiful forest”. Sundarban also known as “Badaban”. The name of Sundarban came from the sundori tree, which is copious in the jungle.

Sundarban is mostly famous for the dwelling of Royal Bengal tiger. Roar of Royal Bengal tiger can hear frequently in the jungle. Those who like adventure and exploring the nature, visiting Sundarban can be a ideal place for them. Moreover you can see lots of monkeys openly roaming around you in the jungle, will enjoy the chirping of birds and will see the folks of dear. Moreover Sundarban is famous for collecting bee honey. The scenic beauty of Sundarban causes the main attraction of the tourists. There are several tourists points in Sundarban, so that the visitors can enjoy the scenic beauty.

2. Khan Jahan Ali Bridge

Khan Jahan Ali Bridge widely known as “Rupsha Bridge” is one of the important tourist attraction in Khulna City. The bridge is 4.80 km away from the main city of Khulna. The bridge is over Rupsha River and therefore locally named as Rupsha Bridge. Actually the bridge named after famous saint Khan Jahan Ali who is famous for spreading Islam in this region. Khan Jahan Ali Bridge is literally the gateway of Khulna because Khulna is connected to the southern district of Bangladesh through this Bridge.

This bridge is one of the main tourist attractions of Khulna city because of its immense beauty. The bridge is almost 1.6 km long and offers a beautiful walking view at all the time. It holds speechless beauty in the evening when all the lights of the bridge are on. So, if you visit Khulna, don’t forget to visit this beauty.


3. Shahid Hadis Park

Another well established traditional tourist attraction in Khulna is Shahid Hadis Park. The location of the park is in the middle of Khulna city. The inauguration of the park held in 1884 with a view to entraining the people. By the flow of time it becomes one of the tourist attractions in Khulna city. If you talk about the visiting place in Khulna than you must to talk about it. At the outset of the establishment the name of the park was “Khulna Municipality Park”. Later in 1969 the park was named after Sheikh Haddisur Rahman Babu who killed in the procession against Aiyoub Khan in 1969.


At the beginning the condition of the park was not up to the mark, but later it became upgraded and modernized and made structural changes within the park. Following the structure of Dhaka central Shahid Minar, a similar structural type of Shaheed Minar has been built within the park.


Moreover a modern fountain has been built in the park which is one of the tourist’s attractions. A mini bridge is connected around the fountain which increases the beauty thousand times more. Visitors   can enjoy different color of the fountain water during the evening time. Many people do their morning and evening jogging walk round in this park. Moreover different cultural program held in this park ground. It’s one of the recreational centers for the people of Khulna city.


4. Rabindra Complex

Rabindra complex which is well-known as the in-laws house of the famous poet Rabindranath Tagore. Rabindra complex is situated at Phultala, in Dakkhin Dihi Village. This is a historical landmark tourist attraction in Khulna. It was the residence of Beni Madhab Roy Chowdhury, who was the father in-law of Rabindranath Tagore.  


This complex is a two storied building, built by Rabindranath’s brother in law. The complex architecture was built by following the English architectural style.  Though this tourist spot is a little far from the city. But this tourist spot will offer you the historical knowledge and beauty, for sure. Before 2006, it was not regarded as a historical tourist’s attraction. Under the observation of Department of Archeology this complex declared as a historical visiting site for the tourist in 2006.


5. Bonbilash Zoo

The common name of Bonbilash Zoo which gets more fame to the local is Gilatala Zoo. Bonbilash zoo is located near the Shiromoni Railway Station and more specifically besides Jahanabad cantonment.  This zoo is 14 km away from the Khulna city. As it besides the Jahanabad cantonment, many people knew it as Jahanabad Zoo.


As there are not much more tourist spots in Khulna city, the zoo is another favorite tourist spot for the tourists. Many people visit the zoo during the weekend or at their holiday. It is one of the popular tourist attractions in Khulna city. Though it is situated a far away from the chaos and noise of Khulna city, if offers you the best amusement.

The zoo is most popular both for the adults and the children’s because thinking about the children’s, the authority established a sisu park besides the zoo. So, this is a popular visiting site not only for the adult people but also for the children’s of Khulna city.

6. Gollamari Memorial Monument, Khulna

A significant witness of liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971 is Gollamari Memorial Monument. This monument is located in Gollamari, Khulna. This is a historical landmark of liberation war and mass killing in Khulna. In 1971 a large number of people became killed in this place. This place is the evidence of brutal act of Pakistan genocide during our liberation war in 1971.


This place was not so developed as a historical visiting site at the very early years. Later a developed and modernized structural architectural memorial monument built in this place. At present it is a well known visiting place in Khulna.


7. Khulna Museum

Another visiting place listed in Khulna is Khulna museum. The museum located at Mojid Soroni Road, Sonadanga, Khulna which is at the central of Khulna city besides the public hall place. The museum is enriched with many rare picture of the liberation war of Bangladesh. The museum established in 1998. The museum is a source of gathering knowledge about the past and collection of different unique resources.


There are different statue in the museum specifically Shiva statue, old times households materials, ornaments, different tools and guns used by the landlords etc. the museum decorated well during different national occasions. To attract the tourists, museum authority takes different praiseworthy steps such as welcoming the children’s with flowers and chocolate and free entry charge for the children at holiday. In terms of measuring volume, this museum positioned third in Bangladesh. This museum is maintained by the National Museum and Department of Archaeology of Bangladesh.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

How to Plan a Vacation on a Budget: 8 Vacation Ideas for 2020

Be ready, Pack your bag, take your sandal, and take hold of your bathing suit dear - We are going on a vacation. This could be the sweetest saying ever!!!!

 Can anything be joyful than planning a vacation? Vacation is a great chance to take leave from the busy schedule of life and spending a great time with family, friends and close one. Vacation Rocks!!!!

 But in planning a vacation budget is important. Thinking about excessive budget many tour plans got cancel and have to put the trip off. So, here are 8 ideas for a budget vacation that may help you.


1. Choose the Location Wisely

Tourist’s spots which are highly marked and always have the pressure of huge tourists are usually expensive. The first thing one should keep in mind for a budget vacation is picking a location which is less expensive and more likely to a local spot. If you choose a local spot for vacation which needs a day drive away than it will save in many aspects as gas, mileage, room rent etc.

You can also enjoy visiting your near tourist spots. Check out the historical places, museum, and others tourist’s attraction near your locality. It can also be a source of great fun. If you want the true budget vacation than forget about the exclusive hotels because they cost a lot, be a backpacker traveler. Always choose low cost accommodation space if you stay the night at the tourist place.


2. Set your Own Priorities

At the outset of your travelling plan set the priorities of your own. Some would like to gather experience through travelling while others may want to explore different culture or nature; some may like adventure in life and therefore choose travelling. So which one is your priority chooses it wisely first before setting any plugs to your budget. The common priorities of travelers are may be as following:


i)                    Exploring a new place

ii)                  Getting relax from the daily stress of life

iii)                Experiencing new food

iv)                To know about the tourists spot history

v)                  Visiting the desired location for example

vi)                Learning something new


What is your priority in travelling, once you decide than took other steps? But for a budget friendly vacation defining your priority is important. Because it will help you to achieve what you really wants through your travelling.


3. Set the Budget Benchmark

Planning of a trip without thinking about the budget could be very dangerous. It could cause you immense expense in your travel. Because  if you think about a budget trip, than the question of cheap fares, low cost of hotel booking, less expensive food restaurants and low cost of local sightseeing will come to your mind. But at the starting of the planning if you don’t set a budget benchmark of your trip than you have to count a big amount of money for the trip. It’s experienced. By setting a personal budget benchmark for the trip and taking your daily must bearable expense in consideration you can look for the online cheap hotel reviews for your vacation.


4. Picking Off-season for the Vacation

It is possible to save huge only by making a vacation plan during off-season. During the pick season when there are huge pressures of tourists, the hotel room, food, local sightseeing everything will be very expensive. If you choose off season for your vacation you have to count less money for your trip. As a bonus of your trip you will enjoy less crowed of tourists, cheapest fare of hotel room and overall less stressful experience.

Normally the tourist’s destination usually becomes crowded during the winter as October to December and January to March. So if you have schedule flexibility you can arrange your trip at April to June. It is the best off-season to enjoy your low cost vacation.


5. Choose Road Trip Rather Picking Flights

Plane fare obviously costs much more than the road trip. So you can save a lot only by choosing road trip. Unless you are visiting other country it will always cheaper for you to reach the destination by driving with your family on the road. Moreover road trip offers more flexibility than the air. You can stop any where if you want and have all the benefits. The only discomfort of choosing a road trip is time. Taking a trip through road requires huge time than flying in the air. Through plane you may reach a destination for half hours whereas reaching the same destination through road requires 5-6 hours.


6. Plan Early or Choose at Last Minute

The price of air ticket is very fluctuating and depends on how much the tickets are selling. If the demand for ticket is high than you have to count a high fare and vice versa. So, to enjoy a big deal of air fare always book as early as possible. So another budget vacations idea is make an early plan of your tour and book everything early or take the opportunity of last minute tour booking. So when you will plan early you will able to save a lot through early booking. Because early booking offers high discount in every case such as air fare, hotel rent etc. Or you can enjoy the low cost budget tour through booking at the last minute. Because last minute offers includes huge discount. You can have a crazy deal through booking at the last minute.

But the recommendation is if you are travelling with your family than plan the trip as early as possible. Because you may not get an amazing weekend deal at last minute always.


7. Save on Daily Expenses

If you choose tourists restaurants for your breakfast, lunch and dinner than it will cost almost double than the local restaurants. Always try to do breakfast to the local hotels and ask what their arrangements are. You can enjoy your snacks in town through saving from your breakfast and lunch. Normally restaurants at tourist spots design their advertisements for tourists and it costs a lot. And if you choose the tourists restaurant you will never experience a budget vacation. And one more tips is that research on the local food and culture. Embrace the local food of your destination and it bound to save money.


 8. Choose Cheap Accommodation

A major part of any vacation plan which cost huge is accommodation. For a budget vacation plan, you have to choose cheap accommodation options such as cheap hotels, motels, resorts or house sharing rather than exclusive hotel booking. Choosing cheap accommodation can help you to slash your budgets for a trip to a great extent.

If you plan a vacation with your team than it will be a great opportunity to cut expenses on accommodation purpose. Staying with friends and family at vacation destination will help you to reduce expenses. But it’s not mandatory that you have to be with them all the time, you may probably have another options of low accommodation. Then choose that.


The Bottom Line

Planning a vacation on budget is not impossible. You have to just prepare yourself and look upon on the opportunity through searching. Successful low budget vacation requires careful planning and one have to stick to the plan for it to work properly. Travelling is a passion for many of us but it’s always challenging if the budget is low. But travel is not always about to stay in 5 star hotel or resort rather gathering experience and exploring the local culture.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

What Can We Learn From Travelling Around the World – Few Words

“The world is a book and those who don’t travel read only a page” – Saint Augustine

Human nature is to seek peace. Staying home for days after days or working in the office hour for hour is quite boring and irritating. So, people urge for some rest and need some space. And for getting a break, people travel around the world in their off time. Because only travelling around the world can buy absolute peace for our mind. Travelling around the world is almost everybody’s latent wish. Every people want to explore the world, its beauty and wants to know the unknown lies within it. But travelling around the world is not a matter of jokes at all. It requires huge money, time and most importantly inner wish. Some wants to explore the world, some wants real adventures, some wants to see the beauty of god’s creatures, some wants to do the biggest journey of life by travelling around the world. But before traveling all you need money support, savings and a complete itinerary for journey.

“Not all those who wander are lost” – J. R. R. Tolkein

Sometimes people stuck in family, in a small town and feel trapped. Every day is the same, doing the same work, used to with the same habit but sometimes they can’t breathe properly due to mental dissatisfaction. Travelling can relive them from that stacking situation. People needs to enjoy the life, saving money for car and shits can’t bring happiness all the time at al. before doing an itinerary for traveling, one needs to calculate the cost for the complete journey. When you started traveling you are going to explore everything, literally every ocean, every land and every mountain. Nothing can stop you to get the heavenly feeling through travelling. While you are sitting at home, another guy may be exploring the world. So don’t feel down. Turn back with more enthusiasm for travelling, do the actions you needed. Time is limited; use it as much as you can. Money will not bring it back.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” – Helen Keller

 Travelling around anywhere requires money to spend and to support the travelling. So the first motto is to save money and have a great trip. While you will embark trip you will leave your old and disgusting life behind. The world is an amazing teacher; you will be a great student and learn enough if you travel around the world. Many of us became a devotee of the nature and started travelling on a regular basis as a part of their dream job.

Take Memories, Leave only foot prints” – Chief Seattle

A person who has fascination for travel and adventure, don’t want to sit on a computer screen and do work. They want to enjoy the life and live the life truly through real adventure and exploring the world. Many people find the meaning of life through travelling and understand what they are meant for to do with their life. Travelling will give you the opportunity to see how beautiful the world is. If you truly want to travel the world it requires a big plan for a long time and save money for a couple of years. Starting a travel journey creates happiness but the sad part is when you are finished with your journey and have to travel back home. Just think always when you are sitting in your home, someone is going around the world journey. The world is beautiful and step out of home and explore the beauty of the world.

“Travel makes you modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world” – Gustave Flaubert

 There are millions of breathtaking and beautiful places in the world which could be your dream place.  But unfortunately many of us fail to fulfill our dream because our circumstances don’t allow us to live our dream. There is a good quote that “Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination”.  

“Never go on a trip with anyone you don’t love” - Hemmingway

Monday, July 6, 2020

Top 7 Places to Visit in Kolkata for 2 Days to Know the City That One Can’t Miss in 2020

Kolkata, although often associated with poverty, scarcity of work, poor quality of food, is commonly left out by travelers when visiting India. Kolkata is a town that requires immersion rather than quick sightseeing to surely get an experience for, and appreciate, it. The best way to discovering Kolkata is a walking tour. Let’s start with the top 7 places to visit in Kolkata for 2 days to know the city that you can’t miss.

 1. Victoria Memorial

Kolkata is a city that has plenty of tourist’s attraction. And to visit Kolkata the first names came to mind is Victoria memorial. Victoria Memorial is a white color imposing building snf its construction was finished in 1921.Constructed in reminiscence of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, it homes a first-rate art history series and a gallery from the British Colonial period along with many brilliant paintings, sculptures, and books. The constructing outside is evocatively illuminated at night. The structure of this building spread over 57 acres of land, housing 21 lush inexperienced gardens, 28,394 arte facts, and 3,900 inventive paintings. If you want to visit a high quality and romantic place in Kolkata, than its Victoria Memorial. This building built within the reminiscence of Queen Victoria, this white marble beauty is a host to 20 lakhs annual visitors.

Location: Victoria Memorial Hall, 1, Queens Way, Maidan, West Bengal, Kolkata
Opening Time: Tuesday-Friday (10.00 AM -6.00 PM)
Entry Fee : Indians - 30 Rs., Foreigners - (100-500) Rs.

 2. Howrah Bridge

Howrah bridge opened as a visitor site in 1943, the Howrah Bridge (officially referred to as Rabindra Setu, after famous Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore) crosses the Hooghly River to hyperlink Kolkata with its twin town of Howrah. This bridge is being used by approximately 150,000 automobiles and one million pedestrians every single day. To get a experience for why it's stated to be the busiest bridge within the world, you absolutely must walk across it!


Location: Howrah, West Bengal, Kolkata, India

3. Fort William

Fort William Situated on the 
eastern banks of Hooghly river, it is a large building from the colonial technology that has served more than one purposes until date. It is one of the  must-visit area during your Kolkata sightseeing tour. This structural beauty is known as the ‘black hole of Calcutta’, this area changed into as soon as a temporary prison wherein prisoners have been hauled. Fort William was the principal distributor of Ganges, at some stage in the early years of the Bengal Presidency inside the British India. It become named after King William III of England and Ireland and King William II of Scotland. The Maidan, which used to be part of the Fort and is the largest city park in Calcutta stands in the front of the Fort.

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4. Belur Math

Belur math is one of the glorified place in the history of Kolkata. Belur math can be reached within 20 minutes by taking a ship form the riverbank of Dakshineswar Kali Temple. This historical building is characterized by the non-violent leafy complex. Belur math surrounded area is forty acres of land and its headquarters is Ramakrishna Math and Mission, founded through Swami Vivekananda. The predominant shrine, devoted to Sri Ramakrishna, has unique and certainly one of a type structure that mixes Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, and Islamic styles. It's truly well worth experiencing the night aarti ceremony, which beings at sunset. Any kind of photography is prohibited.


Location: Belur Road, Howrah, West Bengal, Kolkata, India

5. Science City, Kolkata

The science city was established in 1st July, 1997 in Kolkata. It’s another tourist’s attraction both for the locals and for foreigners. It is one of the largest science museums in the sub continent of India. It’s located at JBS Halder avenue Kolkata. If you want to enjoy the perfect blending of entertainment and education, than science city is the perfect place. If you visit this place, than your holiday will be worthy enough.




6. Rabindranath Tagore’s House

Rabindranath Tagore was born in “Jorashako Thakur Bari” which is located in Kolkata, India. This house is one of the most important historical place and witness bearers in Kolkata. However, once Tagore’s house is now converted into a museum. This museum is one of the points of tourist attraction in Kolkata. This is a converted museum from Tagore’s house and it contains fascinating photo gallery, paintings and Tagore’s literary work.



7. Eden Garden

Eden garden is known as the home of cricket in Kolkata. Eden Garden is a beautiful, well-maintained cricket stadium placed in Kolkata's. Bagh area, near State Secretariat and Calcutta High Court. It become established in the year 1864 and become laid by Governor- General Auckland, who named the gardens and the cricket ground after his sisters Emily and Fanny Eden. Stretched over 50 acres, this cricket stadium has the potential to seat approximately 66,349 people and is the second biggest stadiums in the world. When it isn't hosting a number of the maximum nail-biting wearing events, Eden Gardens also doubles up as a quaint vacation spot for nature lovers.