Thursday, December 10, 2020

10 Tips on How to Stay Healthy When Travelling Abroad


We tried to make a perfect itinerary for our tour especially when we are going abroad. But sometimes we failed to take into account that the journey may have some negative impact on our health. Our health may not allow us to make journey constantly. Being sick during travelling is worst part for sure. That’s why we need to take some precautions while we are going to travel abroad or anywhere else, so that we stay healthy throughout our whole journey.

Staying healthy in the trip is little bit challenging. Because our habits, environment, weather, sleeping time everything gets changed. Moreover those who are travelling constantly inevitably faces some change within the body, it’s inevitable. Our body and physics don’t allow us to run more behind our limitations.

1. Have Sufficient and Sound Sleep before Travelling Abroad

Usually before going anywhere we became excited. And if it’s a tour in aboard, than our excitement knows no bound. Through over excitement about the tour we forget to sleep and eat properly. This is the main reason you may experience for being sick while travelling. Usually a person requires 8 hours sleep. But due to over excitement and packing tension you may not sleep properly before the journey. This is extremely detrimental to your health and your health will not allow you to move more after a certain time. So, what you should do before travelling abroad is that, take a peaceful and sound sleep if you want to enjoy your tour.

Taking sufficient sleep is necessary not only before starting travelling but also each and every day at your tour. Once you return from your sightseeing, have early dinner and sleep early. So that you can woke up in the morning with a fresh and healthy mood.


2. Take Necessary Medicine While Packing

While travelling abroad, everyone mandatory needs some medicine as weather and ambiance going to be changed. So to stay healthy throughout your tour you need some mandatory medicines, took them all. Moreover if you have any specific disease, than take medicine for that too.

3. Choose Seats Carefully on the Plane

While travelling abroad you must have do journey in Plane. But everyone can’t do the plane journey easily. So, what you should do is that choose the seats on plane carefully during reservation. If you feel comfort in window seats, than go for it. But many people can’t take a journey in window seats as it creates headache and vomiting problem. Again many people may have an issue to fly high that’s why they avoid the window seats.

An important tip which will help you to stay healthy in your plane journey is that avoid sitting on aisles seats in plane. Why? This is because people usually makes up and down from the aisles which causes outbreak of the virus. Moreover those who are using bathrooms also return back and use aisle which is probably spreading germs. So be careful and avoid the aisle seats if possible.

4. Be Careful about What You Are Eating

One of the most important things you should take into account is what you are eating. If you eat something that create problems to digest than it will ruin your tour in a second. So, be careful about your digestion ability. Don’t eat everything rather be specific.

Again don’t miss any of your meal at 3 times. Sometimes we skip our breakfast and go for the launch straight. This is not done. This habit is enough for to fall sick and weak when you are travelling.


5. Physical Exercise

Even when you are travelling around, always try to maintain an exercise routine and do some exercise. Exercise is the key to be healthy. It will give you freshness and energy to move easily. You can do some creative exercise in your hotel room easily such as Yoga, jumping, pushing up and sits up etc. Or can take a run in the hotel ground easily. Moreover if you are travelling to a sea, than you can take a walk at the sea beach every morning. You will feel so fresh that you can’t imagine.


6. Drink Sufficient Water

You know what water is the most important blessing of the God. Without which we can’t live and can’t maintain hydrate in our body. Sometimes when we travel we forgot to have water. Lack of drinking water creates dehydration in our body. Dehydration causes sickness. So the easy solution is while you are travelling always carrying a water bottle with you. Whenever you became thirst have some water. It will maintain your energy and block dehydration problem. Even if you are walking on a beach in sun, you will not feel lack of energy and dehydration problem. Both your body and mind will give thank to you.

7. Take Skin Protection

After each and every tour, we return home, our skin got damaged and skin shed become lower than the original. You know why? This is because, we travel and walk in sun even the whole day. It causes sunburn and damage our skin from the in. we need to protect our skin. This is also a part of be healthy. During the travel time we can protect our skin through using sunscreen, using hat etc.  Moreover we need to protect our skin from the mosquitoes and insects. Thus use the relevant cream to protect your skin and keep healthy.

8. Eat Fruits

You can keep yourself healthy during travelling by eating more fruits. Fruits are very much essential for our health and skin. Always try to eat more fruits. You can also taste the local fruits of your travel destination.


9. Prohibit or Limit the Consumption of Alcohol

“Consumption of alcohol is injurious to health” a caption every time we see in TV or any movie or written in the bottle of alcohol. Consuming alcohol is extremely harmful to health. If you are not a consumer of alcohol than, congratulations. But if you have the habit of consuming alcohol, reduce it while you are travelling. Because consuming alcohol can causes you to fall sick or senseless during your travelling. So, the better is prohibited or limit alcohol consumption to remain healthy in your travel time.

 10. Walk Everywhere

When you are travelling in a new city or country, try to walk everywhere. Because only through walking around everywhere you will be able to discover the tradition, culture and beauty of the city. Most importantly, walking will keep you alive, fresh and healthy.  While walking around the city, take a deep breath and try to absorb the smells and all the beauties of the city.  

Whenever you are travelling it is common that you are losing some weight. Don’t get over it. It can recover easily if you follow a healthy life style even when you are travelling. Always try to do some exercise it will make feel your body energetic and healthy. Don’t get anxious about your health while travelling; rather get excited that you will be able to see new places, city, taste new food etc.

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