Tuesday, December 8, 2020

How to Organize a Budget Friendly Trip on Your Budget

In this era of social media we often feel jealous in our subconscious mind while we see the travelling picture of others. Isn’t it true? For most of us, it’s true. Your cherished dream is to see the world and its beauty? But your monthly income doesn’t support you to live the dream, right? You just feel jealous and thought how other people and your friends able to do tour at foreign countries such as Turkey, Singapore or Thailand? Often we can’t organize a trip due to our budget limitations. So, Here I am!!! To tell you how can you organize a budget friendly trip on your budget? 

The first thing you need to organize a trip is high motivation rather than money. Why? This is because making and organizing a tour is not so costly as we thought if we make a absolute plan of do’s and don’ts in the trip. So what you need is strong willing that you can make the tour within the budget. This willingness is more than enough to start a tour, believe me. Organizing a good plan and motivation is quite helpful in organizing a budget friendly trip.

At present day there are lots of options in front of you to make a tour. What are the options? Different travel agencies are ready to serve you with their plan, Holidays are enough to make a tour aboard, transportation system is far better than past. Moreover there are lots of airlines agencies offering lower fare of airline tickets. Among all these thousands of options it will be the best decision if you organize a tour by yourself. Because organizing a trip by yourself will allow you to consider your budget limitations.

Once you step out of your home. You will surely learn how to travel within your budget. In fact I learned as well. Usually Our daily routine for holiday going to a restaurant or near the home or going somewhere within the city. All theses holidays plan also causes spending money. Moreover the restaurant bill, should say nothing about it. But once you just think that you cut all these spending and just save money. Once you started to save money cutting all these expenses, you will be able to make a foreign tour, very soon. Believe me.

 Be Your Own Trip Organizer

As I mentioned already that there are lots of options at present day to make a trip. There are lots of companies which will ready to do A to Z of a trip for you. But in exchange of their service they will surly charge a higher price which will not match your budget. That’s why the most important steps in making a tour is be your own organizer. Whenever you will plan for your own, you will keep in mind your budget. But other will not, so be prepared and make a details plan and go ahead to organize your own trip.

Before organizing any trip, always ask yourself who places you want to travel and what’s your budget limit. The answer of this question will pave way the path for you surely. You can also take the help of social media, YouTube and different travel groups to organize your own trip and travel on a budget.

 Budget Fixing

So, through the whole article I am trying to focus on a word that is Budget. This is the main concern as well as obstacle for a traveler. So, what you have to do to organize your trip is first decide the budget of your trip that you can afford. You must should have the clarity about how much money you can afford for your trip, for accommodations, for sightseeing, local guide and food. Be very specific and clear about it. Decide a range of your maximum and minimum budget for the trip, for a day and spend according to it. While making plan for your trip it would be wishful if you save some money for emergency purpose as well. Fixing and setting the budget will definitely ensure you one step ahead to do a foreign trip. 

Focus on a Low Budget Country While Making the Trip Plan

So, obviously the above caption should be clear for a budget traveler. You may have a dream to explore the developed or too much expensive countries such as USA, UK, Switzerland, Denmark and many more. But unfortunately your budget is not up to the mark you need. So, initially focus and choose a low budget country which may be a border country of yours. To know which country costs more and which country costs low you may search on the internet or search engine.

An expensive country usually characterized by expensive air tickets and expensive average cost of living. Do some research on it and then take decision about which country should you visit in your budget limit?

There are several options open to you to seek information about the living cost in a country. Travel blogs are one of the best. You can check out different travel blogs, different travel groups in social media as well. Ask different questions, queries and advice in travel groups in face book. You will find good and helpful answers for sure.

 Make a List of What to Do Before Travelling

At the outset of the trip while organizing your plan make a list of what to do must. In a trip you must have to book hotel/motel or resort for accommodation. Do it as early as possible may be you will get some discount. And before booking any hotel always try to compare the price of different hotels or resorts and then book. By comparing you will get the cheapest resort may be. Again another important task is to buy air tickets in a foreign trip. The earlier you book for a flight, the cheaper will be the air ticket. So make list of all must to do tasks before a trip and make them complete as soon as possible. 

 Take Time to Plan and Organize a Trip

It is examined that the more time you will take to plan and organize a trip, the better result you will get. While you are making a plan taking much time it means that you will have the chance to search, consider and compare the cost from different angles. For example, If you make a plan to buy a air ticket 3 months earlier of the trip, than you will get the chance to see and compare which airlines are providing the cheapest and best price. But if you make a plan suddenly, obviously you will not get that chance. Moreover the more time you will take to book a ticket the cheaper rate you will be charged.

Again, if you have enough time before a trip than you will have the chance to analyze the spots you will fix for sightseeing. It will reduce the cost of moving around frequently without knowing anything about the place.  It’s always better to make a trip plan slowly rather in rush.

Making a plan by taking time ensure you that you are missing no point at all.

 Note down the Expenses

Another important point that will help you to make a budget trip is that note down all the small expenses you are doing on your trip.  It will remind you about your budget. And also will help you to keep in mind that you are wasting money or not.

Another important tip is that always try to use cash in traveling. This is because while you are using your card this will cut an extra charge. So, this will cause extravagance in your budget trip.

You Should Also Keep in Mind That:

In spite of the above cautions you should also keep in mind some other things to organize a budget friendly trip. These are:

Ø  Before making a final plan always make a draft plan. And do necessary corrections if you need.

Ø  Join different travel groups on social media and read travel blogs.

Ø  Try to travel in a group. This will reduce your cost almost half.

Ø  Make sure you have a passport for foreign trip.

Ø  Compare the currency exchange rate. This is too much important.

Ø  If possible, do a international travel insurance.

Ø  Avoid using ATM too frequently for cashing out.

Ø  Try to find the cheapest car/taxi for sightseeing.

Ø  Don’t argue with the local people etc.

      Always try to keep clam and be polite while you are making a foreign trip. Because no one knows you and you don’t have much security as a tourist, keep in mind always. Moreover while you are making a foreign trip, try to know the culture and tradition of that place and country as a tourist. Have a safe, secure and beautiful journey always. 


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