Monday, December 28, 2020

How to Stay Safe While A Woman Travelling Alone: 10 Tips for Women


How to Stay Safe While A Woman Travelling Alone: 10 Tips for Women

Many of our girls have a cherished dream in our life to see the world, to travel the world.  But our dream remains latent as we don’t have the permission to move alone in the society. We have to depend on someone in life on every single step. Sometimes on parents and later on spouse, we have to depend on them. But some of our girls are brave enough to live alone her life. Some girls take a step to travel alone in the world. Now the question is, is if safe for a girl to travel alone and stay alone in abroad? The answer is yes and absolutely. Even women can travel in the world alone by following some simple rules. 


Even if you don’t know anything about the place you are travelling to, even if you don’t know their culture, you don’t know the norms there, even than you can stay safe and travel alone safely. Here are some tips for you which you can follow to stay safe while travelling alone.


1. Choose Destination Wisely

Choosing destination wisely is an important factor. Your travel destination matters. If you leave for a developed country, the safety risk would too low. Developed countries ensure safety to their international tourist’s whether they are men or women. But if you are going to a developing or under developed country, it would be a matter of little worries. Because the security and safety for a women, who are travelling alone is not up to the mark in a developing country.  Choose your destination wisely to avoid safety risk.


2. Plan Well About Your First Night at Tour

Make a perfect tour plan especially where you are going to stay; it’s important for your safety. Where you are going, when you are arrived and departing, where you are going to stay, in which hotel you are going to stay at night all should be included in your tour itinerary. This is because as you are going alone, you can’t take a risk of any haphazardness. Make sure that you are booked your hotel reservation so that you don’t need to go for searching hotel here and there even in night.


3. Book Your Hotel Online

Always book your hotel reservation, taxi booking, sightseeing booking and flight booking in online.  Booking in online will reduce your task in a greater extent. Moreover you don’t need to take help of any individual; it will reduce your risk to a greater extent on safety purpose. Because if you want to book hotels or flight through people, they may unnecessary trouble you by knowing that you are alone. So, avoid face to face interaction and do all the reservation on internet.


4. Stay in Public

When you are moving alone outside your comfort zone without any relatives, always stay in public. Try to avoid private place, private hotel or private party for your safety. you don’t know who is good and who is bad around you, so be smart and always stay in public places so that no one can harm you. Seeing you alone in private place people may have bad intentions to harm you. So, you should remain careful for your safety.


5. Pack Less Staff

Taking a large suitcase with unnecessary staff may create trouble in your journey. Moreover it would be painful to carry heavy suitcase if you are travelling alone. Sometimes the security in airport or the taxi driver may create unnecessary trouble to you seeing you are travelling alone. Don’t give them a chance to make a noise, rather it would be better to pack less staff and take only necessary thing while you are travelling alone.


6. Make Photocopy of Your Passport and Other Documents

Always keep an additional copy of your passport and other important document s that you need at your travel time. Additional copy of your document is a must to stay safe from any kind of problem. If you lost your passport, ATM card or travel insurance by any chance, these additional photo copies will help you to survive easily in abroad. But if you don’t have your additional copy and the original copy lost, than you will be found in jail. Don’t take a chance.


7. Research on Your Journey

Going for a tour without any preparation means it endangered you. Before going for a tour you should make a extensive research on your journey. At which place you are going to, is that place safe or not, is there any religious prohibitions, is there any cultural prohibitions, who can be your neighbors, which type of neighbor should you avoid to, which kind of taxis you should take, is there any safety risk in ride sharing taxi, is medical center available near you, is bank and booth available to your stay, is it safe to carry a lot of cash etc. You should research on the entire question extensively for your safety.


8. Rent a Car for Sight Seeing

As you are travelling abroad alone, you should take some safety measure by yourself. For sightseeing purpose you can rent a entire car through a agency, it will ensure your safety to 99 percent almost. You don’t know whether public transport are safe or not in the new place, or you may take 2-3 transport to reach one place, it would be tough for you. Rent a car through your agency and give the details of the agency to your hotel. This is a much better approach regarding your transport safety. Don’t rent a car privately, it can be more dangerous.


9. Be Friend With Other Women Traveler

It would be better if you find a companion in your journey abroad. Try to meet with the women traveler and try to avoid the male traveler. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t talk with the male at all. I’m saying that don’t be overfriendly with the male traveler; they may harm you and may take chance of your loneliness in abroad. Thus try to befriend with women traveler.


10. Spend Extra Money to Stay Safe

This caption would hear a little bit silly. But the truth is as women you cannot stay in a local hotel or can’t move in public transport. You need safety and security. There is high and tight security in high 3 or 4 or 5 star hotels. They care about their reputation and ensure safety for you. Though staying in 5 star hotel may be expensive but you don’t have any other choice on your safety purpose. Spending extra money can ensure safety to you. You can’t justify about your money spending as it offers you more safety, more comfort and more fun.

Moreover, assume that your flight landed in your desired city at night. What will do? Will you take the public transport and navigate your hotel destination by foot or will you take a car or taxi at more cost which will reach you to your hotel. Of course you should prefer to take a car or taxi even if it costs more.


Making a journey alone is a fun at all. But there is also danger waiting for you if you become a little bit careless. You should be even more prepared than I mentioned above while you are travelling alone to abroad. Moreover before moving for your journey always provides a copy of your itinerary to your parents and friends and closed one. So that they can take action and help you if it necessary. Even when you reached your destination, always keep in touch with your closed one, otherwise they will get tensed. You should stay in touch with your parents or closed one so that they can trace you out when you are in danger.

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