Monday, December 14, 2020

Pre Trip Preparation and Planning: Last Minute Checklist for International Travel


For a beautiful, memorable and tranquil tour, a successful preparation is a must. If you are preparing for a tour, you should research and know about the thing that can be the obstacle on the way of a successful tour. Point out them and make a successful preparation and plan to have a wonderful trip. You can make a sudden tour near to your locality or within the country without any preparations. But a successful and less problematic trip needs huge preparation. And if it is the case of international trip than a very pre planned and successful preparation is a must. You can maintain the following tips as a pre trip preparation and planning to make a successful tour.


1. Check Your Passport and Visa

The most important thing we need in case of international travel is our passport and visa. While making your preparation for the trip, just make sure that you have your passport and visa. You need a passport at least 6 month in-date. Check your passport date to be expired and if you have less time to be expired than renew your passport. Otherwise you may face some unnecessary problem in your journey. Because some country required to have a passport with at least 6 month, till the expired date. And check your visa. If you don’t have the visa yet makes ready it. In case of you have a visa whose date is going to be expired just renew it? So, the most important preparation you should take about international travel is ensuring you have passport and visa with required time.


Always make an extra copy of your passport and other relevant documents. In case your original passport lost, you will able to go to the police station with your photocopy for help.


2. Check Your Health

 Before travelling abroad for a long time tour, you should visit a doctor to check up your health. This is because when you are travelling abroad you have to face medical checkup and your tour can be cancelled if you have any severe medical problem. Especially in this time of Covid-19 pandemic you must should test your health condition. Moreover every country needs a clearance that you are not a covid-19 positive. So before travelling abroad, go to the doctor and make sure that your health condition is absolutely fine.

3. Take a First Aid Kit Box

The most important preparation you should do before any journey is that you should have a first aid kit box. First aid kit box usually contains medicine, bandage etc.


4. Book Accommodation and Taxi

So, when you are travelling in a new country which you didn’t visit earlier, you should book your accommodation at least for one day earlier. Booking accommodation even in another country is so easy now days. You can book any hotels according to your budget and demand. Before making the international trip it should be a major part of planning that book your hotel room and taxi earlier. If you book your hotel earlier it would be extremely helpful for you. Because, in a new country you don’t know anything even the roads. What’s the point of taking risk by searching the hotels in road? Rather book it previously and if you feel that it’s too much expensive than stay one night in your pre booked hotel and search for a new hotel in next day.


Again try to book a taxi for airport pick up. If you book a taxi in online it would be safe and less costly than other options. So, make sure that you are booking a taxi for airport pick up.


5. Create Budget and Manage fund

We are taking about the supplementary till now rather than the mandatory. To make a international tour the most important thing you need is creating your own budget. Create a budget for your tour. Make the approximate estimation of your flight cost, accommodation cost, food cost, sightseeing cost, shopping cost and other. Make a budget of all of these. Making a budget of these will help you to reduce money extravagantly. Moreover you will have the idea about how much money you needed actually. After creating budget manage fund. If you have sufficient money than its okay but if you don’t than manage it.

6. Pay Necessary Bill in Advance

Try to pay all the necessary bills in advance such as hotel rent, taxi fare, flight fare etc. It will be helpful for you to reduce your mental stress during the trip. It is also a obvious part of your pre trip preparation.


7. Endorse or Exchange Foreign Currency

When you are travelling abroad, you need to exchange the currency with the others country. Currency of your currency is totally invalid in foreign. So, mandatorily you need to exchange currency. There are two options available for you, one is endorsement and another is currency exchange. If you endorse money, it will be helpful in foreign tour. Otherwise you can exchange the foreign currency. If you want to endorse or exchange do it earlier before your trip.

You may have the options to exchange money from the airport or once you reached to the other country. But it would be stressful and it will take your time and energy. So exchanging foreign currency earlier would be a better decision.


8. Make and Print Your Itinerary

Have a perfect itinerary for your international trip is a must. Because, you can’t roam here and there without any planning in a foreign country. So make an itinerary at first. this itinerary may includes all about how many days you are going to stay, in which city, how many days in one city, which places you wanted to visit within your time limit, which places has how much costs etc. Having a itinerary in a international tour means you are saving your time, money and energy as well. Print your itinerary and take it all the time with you during your trip.


9. Check Weather

Once you decide to visit a country check the country weather. Checking the weather will help to save your trip before ruining. Moreover you need to pack your cloths and other necessaries according to the destinations weather.


10. Rearrange Your Home before Travel

If you are going to travel a country for a long time, if you are the only member of your home or if you are taking your family with you too. Then you need to rearrange your home and make it safe and clean before your trip. This is one of the most important preparation tasks. We have some tasks in home to perform daily such as disposal of waste; foods keep in fridge, cooking foods, running fan or AC etc.

Before stepping out of home, be sure that you turn of the AC/fan, take out your trashes, clean your fridge, take out the foods from the fridge, return your books to library and finally close or lock your windows and doors.


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